Low Vision

Low vision simply means not being able to see as well as most other people even when you’re wearing glasses or contact lenses. For example, you would probably have low vision if you have age related macular degeneration (AMD).
If you already have a vision impairment or low vision, or are registered as either sight impaired or severely sight impaired we will try to help you. Michael Charlton is an accredited Low Vision Optometrist and can help you make the best use of the sight you have.
After a routine eye examination if your vision has fallen below a certain level our Optometrists will suggest making a further appointment for a Low Vision Assessment. This could take up to an hour and is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government so will not cost you anything.
The assessment is designed for you and your Optometrist to discuss your eyesight condition and the difficulties this may present in your day to day life. They will talk to you about what you would most like help with, such as reading cooking instructions, paying bills, watching television, dealing with medicines or tablets, completing school work or even working on hobbies. Appropriate aids will be tried according to your needs.
When a visual aid is found to benefit you it will be ordered through the scheme and you will be able to borrow it for as long as it helps. In the future you may need stronger magnifiers and these can then be exchanged and your previous one recycled through the system to help someone else.