Over 60’s

As our eyes age the muscles don’t work as well, the same as in other parts of our body. Most people will need some help to improve their vision. The chances of developing cataracts increases as do other ocular diseases. A regular eye examination checks that everything is working as well as it should; it assesses the correct prescription to keep you active and still doing the things you enjoy. Our optometrists will advise you on how to get the best from your vision especially for things like driving.
Our OCT scanner is a fantastic benefit for reassuring patients that all is well, not only on the retina but all through the layers of tissue at the back of the eye. Should anything be of concern it can be detected early and treated to prevent further harm. Our Optometrist will discuss the images with you so that you understand what is happening.
Sometimes further tests are needed and some of these we are able to do at our practice so a convenient appointment will be made for you. If an ophthalmology referral is necessary this will be completed by your Optometrist.

When spectacles are needed the choice of frames and lenses are huge but we are here to help you choose the best option for you. Our qualified Dispensing Opticians have a wealth of knowledge about the lenses and frames and what will work well in your prescription as well as your budget. We want you to enjoy wearing your new glasses.
Contact lenses are an option too. Now available in multifocals they work well for full or part time wear. Do ask our Optometrist if it’s something you would like to consider.
This practice is accredited to the Low Vision Service Wales and when someones vision falls below a certain level we are able to look at helping them with various magnifiers and aids. Our Optometrists will advise you when this may be appropriate.
Examinations for those age 60 or over are funded by the NHS.